UK Shop Owner Found Guilty of Selling E-cigarettes to Minors


Store owner in Hattersley, UK fined £8,000 for selling e-cigarettes to a 14-year-old; admits guilt and receives reduced penalty.

According to the Stockport News website, a shop owner in Hertfordshire, England, has been found guilty and fined nearly £8,000 by the court for selling an e-cigarette to a 14-year-old child.


Shop owner Syed Nasir Afzal Shah from Amafhha Traders Ltd was fined £2,200 by Stockport Magistrates on November 1 for selling e-cigarettes to an underage Trading Standards volunteer without verifying the child’s age.


Similarly, Shah was fined £3500 for failing to provide packaging and an instruction manual for an e-cigarette during a transaction, which is a violation of the 2016 Tobacco and Related Products Regulations.


Mr. Shah has stated that both he and his company have admitted to all charges. The court has reduced the fine to £3,800, reflecting his early admission of guilt. However, he has still been ordered to pay £1,520 in victim surcharges and £2,394.08 in prosecution costs.



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