Teenager Develops Acute Respiratory Distress from E-cigarette Usage


Teenager Develops Acute Respiratory Distress from E-cigarette Usage

Teenager in Petrozavodsk, Russia suffers acute respiratory distress due to e-cigarette use, highlighting increase in related cases.

According to a report by Gubdaily on November 14th, in Petrozavodsk, Russia, a teenager who suffered acute respiratory distress due to an e-cigarette was promptly taken to a hospital for treatment.


A teenager who was initially hospitalized for appendicitis suddenly experienced breathing difficulties and was subsequently diagnosed with a lung infection caused by e-cigarette usage.


According to doctors, the teenager in question is an experienced user of e-cigarettes and has suffered severe lung damage. Doctors at the Peterozavotsk City Children’s Hospital have revealed that an increasing number of cases recently seen have been linked to the use of e-cigarettes.


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