Monitoring of E-cigarettes to Prevent Narcotics in Bali, Indonesia


Indonesian authorities monitor e-cigarettes to prevent the spread of liquid narcotics on Bali Island, as drug trafficking through vaping rises.

According to a report by Indonesian newspaper “Jakarta Bulletin” on November 4th, the National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) in Bali, Indonesia is monitoring e-cigarettes to prevent the entry and spread of liquid narcotics on the island.

The Public Relations Coordinator of Bali’s BNNP, Made Dwi Saputra, has stated that there is a high demand for e-cigarettes among the general public. Currently, there is rampant drug trafficking, with one method being the use of vape for diluting drugs.

Despite the popularity of e-cigarettes in the community, the National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) aims to prevent the misuse and clandestine distribution of liquid narcotics among e-cigarette users. Brigadier General of Police Raden Nurhadi Yuwono, the head of BNNP, urges e-cigarette manufacturers, suppliers, and consumers to refrain from mixing narcotics in e-liquids and calls on the community to actively report any e-cigarette stores selling narcotics.

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